Conservation might sound as if it doesn´t touch your daily life but it does. Every day, every hour, every minute. Conservation is an issue which should be an interest for all of us. We all belong to the big circle of life on earth. We all rely on each other. Even the smallest animal on earth plays its important role to keep the system running. That is why it is important to protect all animals and their habitats. If we destroy habitats or distinguish any species, it can have severe consequences for all of us. Perhaps not today but surely tomorrow.

Nature and Animals

Nature is a valuable good on its own which should be preserved. Every life and every species on earth is precious and should be protected. Nature is providing us a lot of services which we are not able to fulfil ourselves. For example: oxygen, natural materials, food, water, climate, recreation. We have to preserve it to save our own future.

We also have to take into concern, that nature, biodiversity and climate is connected all around the world. The forests of Sierra Leone are important migration zones for birds. If they are destroyed, the birds have nowhere to stop during their travels, or they have no place to stay during the winter in Europe. Birds are a very important part of the food chain as well as an integral part of the ecosystem. That is why we protect their habitats at Greater Gola Landscape and in the Western Area National Park.

Also in Sierra Leone we feel the concequences of the climate change. Normally our forests provide us with a good climate – nice temperature and humidity, water resources and good soil. The roots of the trees hold on the soil. Are the trees cutted down, landslides are happening, the soil looses its vertility, the water security is under danger. That is why CSSL is engaging in protecting the Western Area Peninsula Forest and other forests across the country.

Food security

We all depend on nature for our daily food. All our food comes from nature. We are depending on the rains, the soil and the sun for the vegetables, grains and fruits. We need the animals who prepare the soil, those who pollinate the flowers. We need the land for producing our food but at the same time, we have to make sure that we do not overuse nature. We have to find a way to make our living and at the same time protect forests and nature. That is why CSSL is working with communities at Lake Sonfon to teach them sustainable ways of agriculture and forest use.

We also have to consider the linkage between nature and food security for example in marine environments. Mangroves are important breeding areas for fishes. If you destroy the Mangroves or catch too many fishes close to the breeding areas there won´t be any fishes left soon. That is why CSSL is working at Yawri Bay to protect the Mangroves.

Water security

Forests are important for the water level in the soil. Forests help to preserve the rainwater and ground water which is needed to supply us with water.

The Western Area Peninsula Forest for example provides Freetown and its surrounding with potable water. With less forests in the Western Area people will start to suffer under water insecurity. Communities at the Kambui Hills Forest Reserve experienced severe water shortage after plundering their forest. Since they replanted trees and take care of the forest, they didn´t experience water shortage anymore. That´s why we work closely with the communities at Kambui Hills to teach them how to sustainably manage their community forests.

Natural resources

Oil and gas exploitation brings economic boom to a country through increased employment opportunities, foreign exchange and government revenue. But if not well managed, may result in untold suffering for the country, particularly coastal communities. That is why CSSL is working with key actors in the sector and coastal communities to reduce the hazards of oil and gas pollution on marine environment in Sierra Leone.

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