Yawri Bay Guide
The CEPF team of CSSL developed a small guide on the Yawri Bay. The two page document is essentially a summary of different aspects of the Yawri Bay. These include…
The CEPF team of CSSL developed a small guide on the Yawri Bay. The two page document is essentially a summary of different aspects of the Yawri Bay. These include…
Read about what was happening in the first months of the year in our latest newsletter Visit of CEPF Supervision Team to Sierra Leone in March Community Consultations on Livelihood…
With funds from the EU through IUCN, the BIOPAMA project, implemented by the Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL), is currently working with key stakeholders to address livelihood needs of…
The Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL) is part of the Civil Peace Service (CPS) network of Bread for the World (BftW) from Germany. CPS stands for Civil Peace Service. Through…